negative). Answer™ will not allow this condition to be violated (to become Again, When you define this cell as a CONSTRAINT cell, Best =16-C5 Therefore, your CONSTRAINT cell would contain the following: 0 < or = 16 - C5 convert it (by subtracting C5 from both sides) to: In order for Best Answer™ to use this information you need to C5 < or = 16 (as it sits, this uses "less than or equal to") hours per day. In this case your constraint is: You have a restriction that production time (C5) cannot exceed 16 Here's another example of setting up a CONSTRAINT cell: ______________________________________________ this quantity will be at least 250. that when Best Answer optimizes your production for the next day, the "quantity of bran muffins produced" cell, you can be assured be "greater than or equal to zero". By putting this constraint on Best Answer™ will make its usual assumption; that this value must =C5-250 Therefore, your CONSTRAINT cell would contain the following: C5 - 250 > or = 0 convert it, using basic algebra (subtract 250 from both sides), to: In order for Best Answer™ to use this information you need to C5 > or = 250 Your restriction would look like this: cell (C5). want to enter a CONSTRAINT on your "quantity bran muffins" When Best Answer™ optimizes tomorrow's production you would make 250 bran muffins for the ladies auxiliary for the next day. Let's say that you are a baker and you have already committed to However, Your operation may have a different kind of CONSTRAINT. ______________________________________________ this cell to become negative. than or equal to zero". Best Answer™ will not allow the value of assumes that this formula is a value that you want to be "greater to be in the above format. You enter the "=B3-B4". Best Answer™ Whatever CONSTRAINT you wish to place on the problem needs =B3-B4 In this situation, you set up the formula as follows: "inventory used" (B4) cannot exceed "inventory in stock"(B3). used the example: cells based on the restrictions of your particular situation. We As explained in the INTRODUCTION, you define your CONSTRAINT loaded into Best Answer™ and optimized. Excel. After your spreadsheet is completely set up, it then can be Your spreadsheet, including all formula cells, is set up from within